LOGO gjc


Ponad 20 lat zajmujemy się komunikacją biznesową na rynku reklamy i poligrafii. Naszym podstawowym zadaniem jest budowanie i wspieranie mocnych relacji handlowych pomiędzy dostawcami i pośrednikami rynku, zarówno w Polsce jak i za granicą. Dostarczamy wysokiej klasy narzędzia i rozwiązania, ułatwiające pewne poruszanie się w branży.


Obecnie pracujemy nad rozwojem branży na polu wydawniczym oraz internetu. Od 2000 roku jesteśmy wydawcą magazynu branżowego Gifts Journal jedynego na polskim rynku magazynu poświęconego wyłącznie branży artykułów reklamowych, od 2013 publikujemy katalog  European Suppliers Book a w 2023 roku swoją premierę ma Katalog JOOMP kierowany do polskiego rynku reklamy. Tworzymy i rozwijamy narzędzie internetowe Joomp.eu, łączące eksporterów i importerów z całej Europy.


Wysoką jakość naszych produktów zapewniamy dzięki filozofii ciągłego postępu i otwartości. Nasze produkty i usługi kierujemy do wszystkich firmy z branży i zbieramy ich opinie, tym samym aktualizując swoją wiedzę. Rozpoznajemy nowe trendy pojawiające się na rynku i wychodzimy naprzeciw potrzebom naszych klientów ze skuteczną strategią działania.


  • 2000 – pierwsze wydanie magazynu Gifts Journal Polska
  • 2002 – powstanie firmy GJC
  • 2003 – powstanie programu Solidni w Biznesie (SWB)
  • 2003 – powołanie Not Recommend – wykazu firm nie polecanych w branży
  • 2004 – organizacja konkursu Korony Reklamy – wybór najlepszych firm z branży reklamowej
  • 2005 – pierwsza edycja targów RemaDays Warsaw
  • 2009 – pierwsze wydanie magazynu  Gifts Journal Ukraina, Gifts Journal Białoruś oraz Gifts Journal Mołdawia
  • 2010 – pierwsza edycja targów RemaDays Kijów
  • 2012 – pierwsza edycja targów RemaDays Europe w Norymberdze
  • 2013 – pierwsze wydanie katalogu European Suppliers Book
  • 2013 – powstanie jednodniowych spotkań OneDay Roadshow
  • 2014 – podpisanie współpracy z EXPO 4.0 Stuttgart
  • 2015 – organizacja konkursów – Gifts of the Year, Catalogue of The Year, Medalu za Innowacje
  • 2017 – pierwsze wydanie magazynu Adbox
  • 2020 – powstanie portalu internetowego ESB Online – obecnie joomp.eu
  • 2021 – pierwsza i jedyna edycja targów RemaExtra
  • 2022 – premiera portalu wpierającego Polski rynek reklamy – joomp.pl
  • 2023 – pierwsze wydanie katalogu Joomp skierowany na rynek Polski
  • 2023 – powstanie telemarketingu dla firm – zadzwonimy.pl oraz call-4u.eu
  • 2024 – pierwsze wydanie katalogu Joomp skierowany na Europejski rynek reklamy
  • 2024 – Uruchomienie Werbe!Punkt – magazynu poświęconego produktom promocyjnym skierowanym do krajów niemieckojęzycznych (DACH) www.werbe-punkt.de


zrealizowanych imprez targowych
firm z którymi współpracujemy
EUR, wartość zapytań wysłanych przez joomp.eu
lat na rynku


Dostarczamy wiarygodne oraz nieustannie poszukujemy nowe narzędzia biznesowe wspierające rozwój firm branży reklamowej na rynku europejskim.


Być najważniejszym partnerem w dostarczaniu narzędzi biznesowych dla firm branży reklamowej.


Out of absolute conviction we present the following description of our cooperation with GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. First of all we would like to mention a trust, which is the basis of business relationships. With no doubt we recommend GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. as a reliable company. They have never let us down during our several-years cooperation. Representatives of GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. efficiently and competently respond to all our inquiries, so that we are always pleased with the response. We use most products offered by GJC, each of which is created specifically for the advertising industry. It goes without saying that GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. operates smoothly in all sectors of the advertising industry and perfectly meets our expectations. Another important factor in our collaboration with GJC is undoubtedly the employees themselves. They finely deal with conducting business talks, asking questions and collecting feedback and ideas about their own products, which are then implemented. GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. is a guarantee of the highest order, professionalism and the key to a successful business cooperation. We highly recommend GJC to those who are looking for business tools in the advertising industry."

Paweł Rydzewski

Macma Polska Sp. z o.o.

"Our collaboration with GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. started a few years ago during our first advertising fairs. From the very beginning we were warmly welcomed and carried out through all formalities required from all participants. We have received detailed answers to all doubts we raised. We appreciate experience and dedication of the GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. team. We are pleased with the fact that we can count on the support of the organizer throughout the year, not only during the trade fair. Collaborating with GJC has given us many benefits, and their customer service is at the highest level."

Julita Bobrowicz

WIB ART Edition

"We are pleased to inform you about our satisfaction with the long-term collaboration with GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. at the RemaDays. This fair as the largest event of its kind in Poland attracts many exhibitors as well as many interested parties who are our potential customers. Currently, these is the only Polish trade fair, where we present our offer, knowing that it reaches people actually interested in our industry. The RemaDays enjoy a high reputation among exhibitors and visitors and it is a very important feature for us. Cooperating with GJC is pleasant, they are always ready to help and flexible in customizing their offer to our needs. What is important, every year they try to be even better."

Paulina Krukowska

TEXET Poland Sp. z o.o.

"We have been cooperating with company GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. as an exhibitor at the RemaDays trade fair and participating in the partnership program Solid Work in Business for years. We can always count on the dedication and support of GJC team. The organization of the fair runs smoothly and seamlessly. The organizer is continually working to improve the quality of their services during as well as after the event. We can with a clear conscience recommend GJC as a trusted and reliable business partner who ensures high level of service"

Tomasz Sobaszek

Asgard Sp. z o.o.

"On behalf of Anda Poland would like to express a favourable opinion on the collaboration with GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. represented by Mrs Iwona Skrzypczak. So far, our cooperation have always been conducted in a faultless and very professional way. I am convinced that next years of collaboration will equally fruitful for both parties."

Anda Present Sp. z o.o.

"Hereby we would like to recommend GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. , ul. Podbiałowa 11, 61-680 Poznan, as a reliable and fully professional orgnizer. The company GJC Inter Media has always been exemplary organizer of the advertising exhibitions cycle the RemaDays, in which our company takes participation every year. It is proved by a growing number of exhibitors and visitors year after year and popularization of the largest advertising fairs in Poland. Recommended company is characterized by a sense of duty, punctuality, good organization and involvement in their work at the same time offering their clients a professional care. We have always experience friendly, competent service, educated advice and excellent contact. In addition, we would like to emphasize that a well chosen and well-coordinated team of representatives of GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. is fully competent in making challenging decisions that require changes. After another experience we may definitely recommend services provided by GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. to any potential customer.”

Adam Kowalski and Krystian Walendzik

TampoexperT s.c.

"We hereby declare that the company GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. was the organizer of the RemaDays 2011 trade fair and earlier events and that the company is worth recommending as a provider of such services. The company has fully complied with their coordination obligations. As one of the exhibitors we are happy to admit that thanks to a helpful, professional and characterized by careful attention to customer’s needs, the process of preparation for the exhibition and the show itself did not cause any problems. Supervision of the fair was conducted skillfully and peacefully. Order was kept during the event, everything went smoothly, and the quality of the service provided by the recommended company exceeded our expectations. We recognize collaboration with company GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. as successful and rewarding. Our company have participated in the RemaDays organized by GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. and we can responsibly recommend this company as one demonstrating competence, good organization and high quality of service."

Andrzej Talbierz

Stefania – Zakład Galanterii Skórzanej / Lederwaren

“Recognizing their professionalism, I would surely recommend GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. as an organizer of the Trade Fair for Advertising and Printing RemaDays. Our company have already participated in all editions and the latest one was not our last. For year, when we used to prepare for the exhibitions we always noticed their help and support we received and an enormous enthusiasm and professionalism of GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. team. Every task we set them was responded superbly in terms of organization and their know-how. GJC’s work is characterized by synergy of competences, creativity and openness to exhibitors feedback. Wide-scale RemaDays promotional campaign turned out to be successful. Its multilevel character translated into attracting great number of visitors and get advertising trade interested. Business talks conducted during the show as well as beyond it resulted in measurable benefits. GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. turned out to be a reliable and accountable partner. Owing to a long-standing cooperation, with a clear conscience, we can recommend that company as an organizer of the trade fairs and other events.”

Tomasz Chwiłowicz


“When we were asked by GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. to give our recommendation we considered it as a strange request. We thought that the success which the RemaDays achieved is in and of itself recommendation of this company. However, this attitude confirms their professionalism and on the other hand their modesty and their distance to the success. Organizing such a great trade show in so little time requires not only organizational skills but foremost trust of the exhibitors, who cannot now imagine quieting the most important event in East-Central Europe, to the organizer. We are with GJC International Sp. z o.o. sp. k. company from the very first edition of the RemaDays. First of all, all these years of cooperation were exemplary. As far as their staff is concerned it is a team of very easy-going people, who offer professional advise and they do it with great commitment and sense of humor. If any help is needed a single phone call is enough and the issue becomes sorted out. It is worth mentioning that all additional activities that accompany the trade show e.g. Crowns of Advertising, the Gifts of the Year contests and Exhibitors Night have contributes considerably to the integration of the industry and are great form of promotion of best companies.”

Zbigniew Kaczor, Arkadiusz Ratajczak



Jesteśmy w stałym kontakcie z firmami z branży. Słuchamy tego, co dla naszych partnerów jest ważne i dostosowujemy nasze produkty tak, aby pomagały im się skutecznie rozwijać.

Współpracujemy z ponad 25 organizacjami branżowymi oraz mediami polskimi i zagranicznymi. Naszej firmie zaufały tysiące producentów i usługodawców, od lat współtworząc razem z nami jedne z największych imprez targowych branży reklamy i poligrafii na świecie.

Dzięki kooperacji nieustannie podnosimy swoje kompetencje i dostosowujemy ofertę do zmieniających się potrzeb.